Welcome to the best native blog ever-Cayuga tribe!!!!!!!
This blog is for people to learn more about the Cayuga Iroquois Tribe.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009


the Cayuga people talk Cayuga
here some words:

English (Français) Cayuga
Two (Deux) Dekni:
Three (Trois) Ahsę
Four (Quatre) Gei:
Five (Cinq) Hwihs
Man (Homme) H:gweh
Woman (Femme) Ag:gweh
Dog (Chien) So:wa:s
Sun (Soleil) Ga:gwa:'
Moon (Lune) Ęni'da:'
Water (Eau) Ohneganohs
White (Blanc) Gę'gę: or Hny'
Yellow (Jaune) Oji:tgwa:'
Red (Rouge) Otgwęj'ia:'
Black (Noir) Swę'd'aę'

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