Welcome to the best native blog ever-Cayuga tribe!!!!!!!
This blog is for people to learn more about the Cayuga Iroquois Tribe.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

arts and crafts

The Cayuga tribe were known for their mask carving.

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Bead work and the more demanding porcupine quill work are more common Cayuga crafts.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dances of Cayuga


Cayuga hunters used bows and arrows. Cayuga fishermen used spears and fishing poles with bone hooks. In war, Cayuga men used their bows and arrows or fought with heavy war clubs and shields.

Other important tools used by the Cayuga tribe included stone adzes (hand axes for woodworking), flint knives for skinning animals, and wooden hoes for farming.

music instrument

http://nativedrums.ca/media/woodland/imgs/600/drum67.jpg Cayuga people were having music instrument like water drum. The more popular instruments are the water drum and the flutes.

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Thursday, May 14, 2009


  • The Cayuga have some interesting games and sports that we have now like lacrosse. Lacrosse is a game with a net at the end of a stick. In lacrosse you have a ball and a couple of players. In lacrosse the teams try to get the ball through the other team's net. The first team to get the ball through the other team's net wins. Another game for the boys is to get a dart through a moving hoop. The girls played with dolls. The Cayuga have neat games and sports.

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Sometimes the Cayuga Indians did use elm-bark or dugout canoes for fishing trips, but usually preferred to travel by land. Originally the Cayuga tribe used dogs as pack animals. (There were no horses in North America until colonists brought them over from Europe.) In wintertime, the Cayugas used laced snowshoes and sleds to travel through the snow.

Cayuga snowshoes

What were Cayuga homes like?

he Cayuga Indians lived in villages of longhouses, which are large wood-frame buildings covered with sheets of e
lm bark. Cayuga long houses were up to a hundred feet long, and each one was home to an entire clan (up to 60 people.)
